Everybody likes a Good Bio.  Here are some.....

Tzoul is a passionate dance educator, DJ, and promoter based in Nevada County, CA. Since 2017, he has been teaching weekly classes in Salsa, Bachata, Brazilian Zouk, and West Coast Swing, helping to grow the Sierra Nevada’s vibrant social dance scene. Through his school, The Universe City of Street Dance, Tzoul emphasizes the connection between leading and following in partner dance, seeing it as a pathway to personal growth and integrity. His mission is to inspire confidence and self-expression through the wisdom of street dances, empowering others to become exceptional social dancers. (Cali Dance Fest 2025)

From cities to the mountains Tzoul's love for social dancing is inspired by the street styles. Since he started teaching weekly classes in Nevada City circa 2017 the dance sceen in the Sierra Nevada's has been booming. Tzoul is a promoter, DJ, and runs a dance school focused on his favorite street dances; Salsa, Bachata, Brazilian Zouk, and West Coast Swing. The Professor says that being a student of multiple dance styles gives him an extra insight into why partner dance works. Building great social dancers is at the top of his priorities, "Leading and following are skills that transpire into daily life helping form integrity matched by no other art form," he proclaims to anyone that will listen. Spreading the wisdom of partner dance is his life long pursuit and helping you become a great social dancer is his full time occupation. (Cali Dance Fest 2024)

Deeply involved in the world of social dance Tzoul is a full time dance teacher and DJ. Since 2017 he has been teaching weekly classes in Nevada County CA. Sharing the wisdom of partner dance is at the core of his teachings. His mission continues to be about the understanding and transmission of “why partner dancing works”. Being an advocate of the street dances, Tzoul helps people find their passion for life through building confidence. His school, The Universe City of Street Dance, aims to help people better themselves by learning the ways of the dancers that came before them. "Creating a beautiful dance for others through improvisation is more gracefully achieved when practiced," says Tzoul. (MFC 2024)

Tzoul and Nohemi have been teaching weekly Salsa, Bachata, and Brazilian Zouk Classes together since fall of 2022. Training every week for three hours and teaching for 6 hours every week has dramatically increased their fluency in social dancing. They also go social dancing every week. Tzoul is the head instructor at his school, The Universe City of Street Dance, and Nohemi is his senior assistant. They have built a strong student base with consistency. "Every body needs community with positive values and the body doesn't lie," says Nohemi. "Partner dancing teaches you how to be a better person by strengthening physical and emotional balance," says Tzoul. (MFC 2004)

Deeply involved in the world of social dance Tzoul is a full time dance teacher and DJ. Since 2016 he has been teaching weekly classes in Nevada County CA. Sharing the wisdom of partner dance is at the core of his teachings. Taking on this endeavor in 2013, he started by studying every dance Portland OR had to offer, then went on to study in Seattle, there Tzoul settled with his favorites: Salsa, Bachata, Brazilian Zouk, Kizomba, and WCS. His mission continues to be about the understanding and transmission of “why partner dancing works”. Being an advocate of the street dances, Tzoul helps people find their passion for life through building confidence. “Being a good communicator comes from your ability to find balance and rhythm with your intentions, art is not just the act of creation but also the sorting and organization of it’s parts,” says this collage artist. His school, The Universe City of Street Dance, aims to help people better themselves by learning the ways of the dancers that came before them. “Then you can create unique moments for others,” Tzoul says. (Austin Fusion Festival 2023)

Ever since going pro as a Vibe Enhancement Technician in 2010 Professor Tzoul knew that some day he would be a DJ. “Hypeology is a technique that can only be acquired through rigorous training on the street level,” says the theologian. Three years ago a great sage and grand selector chose the professor as a student in the art of the disc jockey. Once bestowed with this great wisdom from one of the highest ranking DJ’s the surf had ever tumbled into existence Tzoul was ready to take on any genre the people would shred too. Primarily a Brazilian Zouk DJ, he finds home in the midtempo dance tracks produce and influenced by the peoples of the Tropical regions. DJ Professor Tzoul also plays regularly for Salsa, Bachata, Kizomba, and Swing dancers. Not afraid of popular music this up and coming artist likes to keep his sets fresh yet still relatable. The Professor claims that being a Dance Teacher gives him an extra edge in the game. “People look to us to give them what they want, It’s my job to give them what they didn’t know they needed,” says the dean of his own dance school, The Universe City of Street Dance. (Fantasma 2023)

First introduced to Zouk in 2015, Tzoul knew that he wanted to develop a close relationship to the dance and community. He started to teach others in 2017 and since then operates his own mobile dance school, Universe City of Street Dance. Tzoul receives his teachings from every Artist he can to build USCD's universal curriculum. When Sacramento's flourishing Zouk scene needed a DJ Tzoul was ready, and with he's extensive background in the underground party industry it looks like he's on track to becoming a really beg deal. (Marina Zouk 2022)

Tzoul is an interdimensional dance teacher, performer and catalyst.  A lifetime of dancing led him to discover partner dancing in 2008 through the Blues community.  Later in 2013 he began intensive studies into Salsa, Bachata, Tango, Trad Blues Idioms, Lindy Hop, Waltz, Two Step, and WCS, eventually settling into The Fab Five:  Zouk, Kizomba, Salsa, Bachata, and West Coast Swing.  After years of exploring dance floors across the globe, he stays on the cutting edge of Fusion Partner Dancing and teaches all levels of students to find joyous connection through universal principals of body mechanics and the energetics of relationships. (website intro 2018)

Tzoul is a well rounded street dance instructor. All of his training comes from group lessons and social dancing, with over 700 hours of instruction under his belt from over 100 different instructors. Far from any university or formalized training, Tzoul takes his knowledge from the streets and teaches for the sake of social dancing. Full time dance instructor since 2017, he finds his purpose in life bringing people together to experience absolute joy. With everyday research into partner dance history or exploring new dances or higher levels of the dances he teaches, Tzoul never stops learning because his students depend on him to bring them the best of what partner dancing has to offer. (for SDI 2019)

Zouker since 2015, Tzoul fell for Brazilian Zouk in Sacramento CA. Going on to study the dance in the Pacific North West, he claims it is stored in his DNA. Third generation El Pasoean, Tzoul says that bringing Zouk to his hometown is a very serious mission. In between touring as an Artist and DJ he holds weekly classes in Nevada City CA teaching Salsa, Bachata, Zouk, and West Coast Swing. (EPBDA 2021)

Tzoul is partner dance advocate, performer, and teacher based in Nevada City, CA. Collaboration is with other artist is key to uplifting the foothills partner dance community with offerings that explore why partner dancing works. He has been teaching Salsa, Bachata, WCS, and Zouk; since 2017. Tzoul has been studying and teaching partner dance since 2013 primarily as a social dancer, with his intention to emphasize the importance of social dancing to boost the health of the person and community. Tzoul highlights, "A great dancer can dance anywhere with anyone to any kind of music. Together with other artist we are championing street dance to bring people together in profound ways.”

After an interesting attempt at a solo dance career; Tzoul began his partner dance career in 2013 by studying every partner dace style that Dance With Joy Studio (Portland, OR) had to offer for two winters in a row.  He then specified and continued his studies in Seattle, for the next two winters, with: Salsa, Bachata, West Coast Swing, Blues, Zouk, and Kizomba.  These days he mainly trains with individuals where he is based, Nevada County California, continuing his higher education by attending conferences and congresses from San Diego to Seattle.  Going on its second year in partnership with Ari Levitt - Heart Sound Fusion (a summer dance camp in the Puget Sound) is Tzoul's gift back to the north western dance community that grew him.  Tzoul facilitates a weekly Zouk Team practice in Grass Valley for Zouk Step.  Every Monday night in Nevada City Tzoul teaches and DJ's for Swouk Underground.  He teaches private lessons and an occasional Bachata group lesson.  He's one of the rotating instructors and DJ's for Foothills Fusion.  Tzoul also teaches before Electropical (equator themed dance party in NC).  Tzoul's teaching style is best described as advanced with the view that fundamentals are best taught through complex movements.  One of Tzoul's cliches is, "If it was easy it wouldn't be fun!" (for North Bay Fusion 2017)

Since 2008 Ive been exploring partner dancing through a Blues lens, until three years ago when I started my own intensive training of Trad-blues, Salsa, Bachata, Tango, West Coast Swing, Vintage Swing, Zouk, and Kizomba.  I am a true Fusion Dancer.  (for Enchanted Forest Festival 2016)

Since 2008 Tzoul has been exploring partner dancing through a Blues Idiom lens, until three years ago when he devised his own intensive training program which included Trad-blues, Salsa, Bachata, Tango, West Coast Swing, Vintage Swing, Zouk, and Kizomba.  Tzoul's mission in life is to revitalize partner dancing by making it accessible to everyone.  Teaching private and group lessons across the country he calls his style Street Dance.   Emphasizing the importance or social dancing to boost the health of the person and community, Tzoul says "A great dancer can dance anywhere with anyone to any kind of music."  (for DWOS 2016)

Tzoul has the fortune of being a natural dancer.  Before 2008 Tzoul thought that he didn't need dance classes and that you couldn't dance to blues music.  His positioning changed after connecting with the Blues Dance community in Northern Colorado in 2008.  Partner Dancing remained in the background of Tzoul's life until 2012 when it was made very clear to him that partner dancing in its variety of forms was his new life's purpose.  To this date Tzoul has taken a total of 650 hours of group partner dance instruction in 25 different styles.  With a goal of mastering partner dance as a whole, he reports to being about half way there.  He regularly dances Salsa, Bachata, West Coast Swing, Fusion, Kizomba, and Zouk socially.  Tzoul sees partner dance as very meta and transformative in our everyday lives. For further vetting of his character visit Tzoul.com.      (for Sensuous Society 2017)


Tzoul is a cross-dimension dance instructor with 20 years of dance experience in the wild.  For the last 10 of those years Tzoul's dancing style evolved into one that includes touching on the dance floor.  Actively learning from the dances that came before us, often these dances were responsible for social reform.  Tzoul's aim is to bring partner dancing back into the social sphere where it can create the most good.  (Water Now fundraiser 2017)

Tzoul is a multidimensional dance teacher, partner dance advocate, and performer. In 2012 Tzoul dedicated his life to the understanding of partner dance as a whole. After exploring 26 different styles of partner expression he settled on five that he wanted to teach the world: Salsa, Bachata, West Coast Swing, Zouk, and Kizomba. Making partner dance history part of his studies and practicing the fusing of genres, he certifies that it can be done anywhere with anyone to any kind of music. Based out of Nevada City, CA; Tzoul and his partner Ashe Jordan are focused on the global importance of bringing people together, their Youtube channel: The Universe City of Street Dance, promotes world wide healing through listening. (Radio Interview 2020)

After 17 years of raging dance floors across the world Tzoul found Djing as an important way to cultivate a rising Zouk scene in Nevada County. Curating playlists for the multiple dances he teaches, Tzoul’s library grew wider in scope and finer in quality. “Being a dance teacher gives me a edge in the DJ game,” says Professor Tzoul.



